Make world better place. Together
Since 1990, the rate of extreme poverty in the world has decreased by more than half. This is a unique achievement. Nonetheless, in developing regions, one in five people still live on less than $ 1.25 a day. Another million people are living a little more than $ 1.25 a day. Moreover, many people are at risk of falling into poverty again.
Poverty is more than a lack of income and resources needed for life. Poverty is hunger, malnutrition, limited access to education and basic services, social discrimination, exclusion and lack of participation in the decision-making process. Economic growth must be inclusive, provide opportunities for work and promote equality.
By 2030, eliminate extreme poverty worldwide currently measured as staying below $ 1.25 a day.
By 2030, reduce by at least half the proportion of men, women and children suffering from poverty, in all its dimensions and in accordance with national policies.
Until 2030, all women and men, in particular the poor and vulnerable, ensure equal rights in access to economic and natural resources, basic services, ownership and control over land and other property, inheritance, appropriate new technologies and financial services, including microfinance.
Ensure a significant mobilization of resources from various sources, including increased development cooperation, to ensure adequate and predictable funding for developing countries, in particular for the least-developed countries, enabling the implementation of programs and policies to eliminate hunger in all its forms.
Eliminate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
With proper behavior, agriculture, forestry and fishing can provide a source of nutritious food for all and bring in a decent income. At the same time, they can contribute to the development of rural areas and environmental protection. Currently, soil, drinking water, oceans, forests and biodiversity are rapidly degrading. Climate change has an even greater impact on the environment on which our lives depend. They increase the risk of natural disasters such as droughts and floods. Many men and women living in rural areas are no longer able to maintain their jobs in agriculture and are forced to migrate to cities in search of a better life.
If today we need to feed 795 million starving people, and by 2050 their number will increase to 2 billion, then a deep change of the global agricultural and food system is needed.
Until 2030, eliminate hunger and provide all people, especially the poor and vulnerable, including infants, with access to safe, nutritious food in a sufficient quantity throughout the year.
By 2030, eliminate all forms of malnutrition. Until 2025, implement internationally agreed tasks on physical development disorders among children under the age of five. Provide nutritious food for adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly.
By 2030, double the productivity of agriculture and the income of small food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, families living on agriculture, shepherds and fishermen. Ensure secure and equal access to land and other resources and factors of production, access to knowledge, financial services and markets, and increase employment opportunities outside the agricultural sector.
Provide a healthy life for all people of all ages and promote prosperity
Ensuring healthy health for all ages and promoting well-being is the basis for sustainable development. There has been a big step forward in terms of extending the average life expectancy and reducing the most common causes that are life-threatening for children and mothers. Significant progress has been made in increasing access to clean water and adequate sanitation, reducing malaria, tuberculosis, polio and the spread of HIV / AIDS. However, efforts to completely eliminate many diseases and address numerous health problems, both long-standing and emerging ones, should be significantly increased.
Until 2030, eliminate hunger and provide all people, especially the poor and vulnerable, including infants, with access to safe, nutritious food in a sufficient quantity throughout the year.
Until 2030, eliminate the deaths among newborns and children under five who can be prevented. All countries will seek to reduce neonatal deaths to a maximum of 12 cases per 1,000 live births and the death rate of children under the age of five at most
up to the level of 25 cases per one thousand live births.
Until 2030, eliminate epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and fight viral hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other infectious diseases.
Ensure high quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
High-quality education is the basis for improving people’s lives and sustainable development. Significant progress has been made in increasing access to education at all levels and the number of people in education, especially women and girls. The number of people with basic literacy skills has grown enormously, but further efforts should be made to achieve the Goal in the field of universal education. For example, although equality between boys and girls in access to primary education has already been achieved on a global scale, only a few countries have achieved this goal in all its levels.
By 2030, ensure all girls and boys complete free, fair, good quality education at a basic level and secondary school leading to effective learning results, consistent with the fourth goal.
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to high-quality development in early childhood, pre-school care and education preparing for starting primary education
By 2030, provide equal access to high quality technical and vocational education for all women and men
and higher, including universities
Ensure that all people have access to water and sanitation by sustainable management of water resources
Everyone in the world should have access to clean water. We have enough water on our planet to make it happen. However, due to poor economy or poor infrastructure, millions of people, especially children, die every year for illnesses related to inadequate water resources, poor sanitary conditions and bad hygiene.
The shortage of water, its poor quality and improper sanitary conditions have a negative impact on food security and livelihoods. They also limit the chance of poor families to take up education. Drought affects some of the poorest regions of the world, which only intensifies the occurrence of hunger and malnutrition.
By 2050, at least every fourth person in the world may live in a country where a chronic shortage of clean water will be felt or there will be repeated cycles of its shortage.
By 2030, ensure universal and fair access to safe drinking water at an affordable price
Ensure access to adequate and decent sanitary and hygienic conditions for all by 2030 and eliminate outdoor defecation practices, paying special attention to the needs of women, girls and people living in vulnerable situations.
By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating landfills, reducing the use of harmful chemicals and other harmful materials. Reduce the amount of untreated wastewater by half and significantly increase the level of recycling and safe re-use of materials on a global scale